Monday, May 21, 2012

It's been awhile...

I'm feeling better - beter than I have in Months. My new Endocrinologist put me on Victoza, and i feel lke it is helping. I still eat too much and excersize to little, I still don't eat enough leafy greens, but I feel so much better! I still get nauseated in the morning when I take my pills, but my energy level is much better, and I have not had fatigue at my desk at work in at least 8 months. This blog made me realize how sick I was, and how much better I am doing. I am glad I wrote stuff down at the time. It reminds me how it was.

I spent the beginning of this school year finding out if the 9 cysts on my Thyroid are Cancer or not (they are not) and trying to figure out a good way to keep an eye on my lung nodule.

I had 2 CT's and a PET this year. I really don't want more radiation until next year, so I will wait.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Late July

The Herbal HRT has helped with temper and mood, thank goodness! I wanted to give it a few weeks to work, and then look back honestly. Honestly? It helped. Or maybe it is a placebo, but I do know that I do now have less of a temper than I did, and I get hold of my emotions easier. My boss is happier with me, that's for sure!

I have smaller headaches, but more often I take a couple Motrin, and carry on, knowing that my descent into Menopause could be so much worse.

Laying on my stomach now feels like the area below my naval has a thick paperback there - it still feels like someone else's stomach. My hips and knees are sore almost all the time. I am just on Actoplus Met now (good thing, because my new insurance upped the cost to a $30 co-pay!) And I cut the tablets in half, and take smaller, sustained dosages every few hours. When I behave myself with eating, it works...usually.

My Aunt has suggested I try the "blood type diet". I crave junk now - often. I am honestly trying to switch from candy to sunflower seeds - something I picked up on my trip out West. We shall see.....

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I have finally caved, and started herbal HRT. My legs hurt, and my gut feels wierd.

I'm also tired, and although I have a much longer fuse now, I have a teeeeeemmmmper.

this should be an interesting time.

Oh, and I fired my doctors.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Pollen, pollen, pollen.....

It coats cars, and turns my nose into a sea. Nothing new, and the clairitin substitute seems to be helping.

My hips and knees are sore. I don't know what is up with that, I need to make an appointment.

I'm back to watching dogs. I'm back to playing instruments for a pit band for a play. I'm back to getting home at 9. And I am the same tired that I was before.

Maybe it's lifestyle? LOL

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

I am at work, and 99.99999 percent of my coworkers are off. This is what that means! It means that the second I need to run to the restroom, the phone will ring; anytime I am actually at my desk??? Yeah, silent.

It means that I will make coffee that I will dump out.

It also means I get to crank on Handels Messiah at my desk, and no one will mind! :)

I have about 25 envelopes to stuff for the Buisness office, and 10 Bills to enter into the log.

I should be done in the next half-hour.

I walked briskly up my stairs last night without holding the handrail, and surprised myself. There was no weird pulling, no fatigue. I really, truly am getting better. Thank God.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Was gone from 8-9 today. Yet, I am up, and feeling ok! I should be lying down! Napping! Something! Instead, I am doing LAUNDRY??????? Whoa!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tipping points

Dinner went well, and we are both riding the health train. He has Type I, me Type II, both seem to have been triggered by secondary body trauma. Me from the tapeworms, him from breaking his arm.

The interconnectedness of health really is amazing, huh?